Early Days Nursery

36 Palmerston Place


EH12 5BJ

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Claire Allan - Early Days Manager
Claire Allan - Early Days Manager

Welcome to Early Days Nursery - Palmerston Place

Located conveniently in Edinburgh's West End, Early Days Nursery caters for children from birth to three years. We have four play rooms which offer a flexible, enjoyable environment for 65 children.

Each age group has its own room offering an appropriate environment in which to play and learn. We have a lovely garden which is well equipped and provides further stimulating learning in a safe outdoor environment. Regular activities out with the playroom includes swimming, yoga, dance and music. The children also go on frequent walks and outings within the Edinburgh area and beyond to places such as The Botanical Gardens, Edinburgh Zoo and Deep Sea World.

The team at Early Days are led by a highly qualified teacher, supported by a strong team including a group of experienced nursery practitioners with a wide range of experience, many with children of their own

Our Rooms

The babies have bright spacious rooms that are designed to encourage exploration, play and development. We have special areas for eating and for messy play. All the activities are fun and exciting, and are carefully planned to best meet your child's developmental needs. Sensory play is core to babies learning and you will see children splashing and getting messy with foam and paint. We also have different treasure baskets which encourage them to explore a variety of exciting objects.

Babies Staff

The Tweenies are continuing their journey of discovery and learning through exciting play experiences such as Treasure Baskets and messy play. We love to be active in the Waddlers and relish any opportunity to participate in dancing and musical activities like Bambino Beats and exploring nursery and action rhymes. We regularly practice our walking skills by enjoying short walks in our local environment and try to tie this in with our chosen interests as much as possible.

Tweenie Staff

In the Toddler room we believe in bringing learning to life in rich and exciting ways that engage children while still balancing the nurturing care that makes them feel safe and loved. We are active and energetic and enjoy ball skills, swimming, yoga and music as well as playing and learning outdoors on a daily basis.The Toddlers help plan what they want to learn and are involved in assessing and evaluating everything they do.  

Toddlers Staff


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